2024 Scallop Season

​​​​​​​2024 Season​ landed scallop catch

​Landed catch (t)
​% TAC
9 December 2024
Scallop catch from movement reports

2024 Season Parameters 

Following the completion of scallop surveys and a recommendation​ by the Scallop Fishery Core Group (ScFCG), the commercial scallop fishery was approved to open.

The fishery will open from midnight 5 July to 31 December 2024 with a total allowable catch (TAC) of 4,000.3 tonnes or 388kg/ unit.    

To fish in the 2024 commercial scallop season, licence holders must apply to activate a fishing licence (scallop) by completing the 'Application for Authorisation to Participate in Scallop Fishery During an Open Season' form.  Participating vessels must also have an operating vessel monitoring system (VMS).

Queries can be directed to the Fisheries Compliance and Monitoring section on (03) 6165 3000 or email fisheries.licensing@nre.tas.gov.au.

Open Areas in 2024

North West ​​

State scallop waters west of Point Sorell and North of Bluff Hill Point, excluding waters less than 20m, scallop dredge prohibited areas, and the designated spawning biomass closure.

This area opened with minimum size limit for commercial scallops of 85mm.

The map below depicts the North West opened area, including the spawning biomass closure area and Boags Marine Park. ​​
2024 Scallop Open Area
​​2024 Scallop Open Area
North West Scallop Spawning Biomass ClosureNorth West Scallop Spawning Biomass Closure

​Scallop Survey Results

Targeted surveys of the north west (scallop Area 1)  have been completed. Surveys were designed by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and undertaken by commercial scallop vessels with IMAS observers onboard. 

A camera survey of the Boags Commonwealth Marine Park was also undertaken where 136 sites were sampled in the lower third of the park with four quadrat drops at each site.  The aim of the survey was to determine suitability as a spawning biomass closed area​.​

North West Scallop Survey Results​​​Overview of North West Scallop Survey Results

From the 2024 survey, scallop densities and sizes in the North West area were similar to surveys over the past three years, biomass has dropped by 31% compared to the 2023 survey, however, 19% up on the 2022 survey.  

Boags Commonwealth Marine Park Survey ResultsOverview of Boags Commonwealth Marine Park Survey Results

The survey results form the Boags Commonwealth Marine Park revealed a low density of legal size scallops across the area surveyed and was deemed not to be suitable as a spawning biomass closed area on its own.

Boags Survey Drop Camera
A two metre by two metre quadrat with camera and lights was dropped at each survey site in the marine park.  

​​Scallop Surveys

Statewide exploratory commercial scallop surveys commenced on 1 April 2024. The aim of the surveys was to identify beds of scallops that might be considered for opening during the 2024 season or a future season.

A scallop dredge can be deployed for the purpose of a scallop survey in all State Scallop waters other than scallop dredge prohibited areas, waters less than 20 metres deep and areas identified as a priority for targeted surveys. Commercial quantities of scallops can be retained with a maximum of 50 tonnes per scallop area (areas 1-6 in the map below).

The North West was identified as priority area for targeted surveys based on observations from the 2023 season. The survey was overseen by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies Survey (IMAS). 

During 2023 a camera survey of the Boags Commonwealth Marine Park in the North West scallop area was completed to identify if there are sufficient scallops in the marine park to serve as a spawning biomass closure for the region.

Scallop Magement Areas

Scallop Management Areas

Survey Types

Exploratory survey- takes place during the state wide scallop survey period, used to locate and identify potential candidate open areas, commercial scallop fishing can take place and commercial quantities of scallops landed within an approved framework.  Fishers must measure up to 50 scallops from survey tows.

​Targeted Surveys- target known scallop beds usually identified during an exploratory survey, information from the survey will be used to make decisions regarding potential open areas.  Targeted surveys will follow a more structured format developed by IMAS and are typically designed to provide estimates of scallop density/ biomass and size structure.  A targeted survey will have an IMAS​ observer on board to oversee the survey and data collection.

Opportunistic surveys- exploratory surveys can take place as scallop fishers transit from an open area to port or whilst participating in other fisheries.  No scallops can be retained.  Fishers must measure up to 50 scallops from survey tows. ​

A survey authorisation is required to participate in any survey.  


    Commercial Scallop Management
    Level 3, 134 Macquar​ie St
    HOBART TAS 7000
    Phone: 0457 005 376
    Email: commercial.fisheries@nre.tas.gov.au


    Fishwatch Report illegal fishing

    0427 655 557

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    Contact us

    Recreational Fishing

    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

    Hobart TAS 7000

    Phone: (03) 6165 3233, 1300 720 647

    Email: fishing.enquiries@nre.tas.gov.au

    Commercial Fisheries

    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

    GPO Box 44

    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550

    Email: commercial.fisheries@nre.tas.gov.au

    Commercial Fisheries Licensing

    Level 1, 134 Macquarie St

    GPO Box 44

    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550

    Email: fisheries.licensing@nre.tas.gov.au