VMS Rule Changes

Commercial fishing boats King Island 

​Proposed rule changes to the Fisheries Rules 2019 came into effect on 8 January 2024 following consultation with affected commercial fishing bodies​.

The amendments apply to commercial fishing and include:

  • Enabling Department to receive vessel monitoring system (VMS) data using mobile networks, resulting in better management of VMS airtime costs.
  • Improving administration of the NRE Tas VMS program by enabling it to require VMS to be used on vessels by issuing a Published Notice.
  • Enabling commercial fishing supervisors to seek authorisation from a Fisheries Officer to continue fishing, subject to terms and conditions, if their approved VMS unit stops working while undertaking a fishing trip.
  • Enabling the Department to provide approval for the supervisor to switch off the approved VMS under a broader range of circumstances.

​​Full details can be found below. 

Consultation documents

 VMS Rules Amendments - Report on Public Consultation - October 2023 

 VMS Rules Amendments - Fact Sheet ​

More information

Fisheries Rules 2019 - Current rules
Vessel Monitoring Systems in Tasmanian fisheries


    Fisheries Compliance and Licensing Branch
    Level 1, 134 Macquarie Street
    GPO Box 44
    HOBART TAS 7001
    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550
    Email: fisheries.licensing@nre.tas.gov.au


    Fishwatch Report illegal fishing

    0427 655 557

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    Contact us

    Recreational Fishing

    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

    Hobart TAS 7000

    Phone: (03) 6165 3233, 1300 720 647

    Email: fishing.enquiries@nre.tas.gov.au

    Commercial Fisheries

    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

    GPO Box 44

    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550

    Email: commercial.fisheries@nre.tas.gov.au

    Commercial Fisheries Licensing

    Level 1, 134 Macquarie St

    GPO Box 44

    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550

    Email: fishing.licensing@nre.tas.gov.au