Fisheries Management

Tasmania's wild fisheries are managed under the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995.

The Wild Fisheries Management Branch develops and implements fisheries management plans and policies to ensure commercial, recreational, indigenous and scientific fishing is undertaken in a sustainable manner.​​

  • Harvest Strategies
    Harvest strategies are fisheries management frameworks that establish clear management actions to achieve agreed ecological, social and economic objectives.
  • Management Changes
    The Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995 allows the Minister to make management plans, rules and regulations for wild fisheries.
  • Marine Heatwaves
    Above average ocean temperatures are occurring around Tasmanian this summer. Learn the signs of marine heatwaves and how to report observations.
  • Rock Lobster Stock Rebuilding
    Strategies to support the rebuilding of rock lobster stocks in Tasmania.
  • Abalone Futures Workshop
    The Abalone Futures Workshop brought together stakeholders in Tasmania's abalone fishery in April 2022.


Fishwatch Report illegal fishing

0427 655 557

What to report? arrow button

Contact us

Recreational Fishing

Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

Hobart TAS 7000

Phone: (03) 6165 3233, 1300 720 647


Commercial Fisheries

Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

GPO Box 44

Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550


Commercial Fisheries Licensing

Level 1, 134 Macquarie St

GPO Box 44

Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550
