Scalefish Fishery Rule Changes

Sand flathead 

New scalefish rules will come into effect for all fishers from 1 November 2023 following extensive consultation.

The changes aim to support the long-term sustainability of the scalefish fishery for the benefit of Tasmanians now and into the future.

The main changes are:

  • The minimum size for sand flathead has increased to 35cm.  A maximum size limit of 40cm has been introduced for all state waters except around King and Flinders Islands.
  • Regional bag limits for sand flathead have been introduced for recreational fishers:

- A two fish bag limit in the D'Entrecasteaux Channel, Derwent River, and Frederick Henry and Norfolk Bays;

- A five fish bag limit in the Eastern Zone;

- A ten fish bag limit in all other state waters; and

- A ten fish possession limit will apply statewide. (See maps below.)

  • A total ban on commercial fishing for sand flathead by any method.
  • The new rules provide increased protection for other depleted species including striped trumpeter, bastard trumpeter, blue warehou, garfish and jackass morwong and progress the staged phase out of recreational gillnetting.

Full details can be found below.

Fact Sheets

  Fact Sheet - Scalefish Rule Changes (2 pages)

  Fact Sheet - Recreational Sand Flathead Rule Changes  (2 pages)

Report on public consultation

This report sets out advice and recommendations to the Minister on changes to the scalefish rules, including submissions received during consultation.

 Report on Public Consultation - Scalefish Rules Review

Consultation document

This paper sets out the draft Rules consulted on during two public comment periods, from 19 April to 5 June, and 23 August to 25 September.

 Public Consultation Paper - Scalefish Rules Review August 2023

New rules for recreational fishers

Sand flathead size limits (see map)
​All waters except King & Flinders Islands: Minimum size 35cm, maximum size 40cm.
King and Flinders Islands: Minimum size 35cm, no maximum size.
Sand flathead bag and possession limits (see map)
D'Entrecasteaux Channel, Derwent River, Frederick Henry and Norfolk Bays: Bag – 2, Possession – 10 (see map)
Eastern Zone: Bag – 5, Possession – 10
Northern/Western Zone, and King and Flinders Islands: Bag – 10, Possession – 10
*Overall limits apply for sand and tiger flathead combined: Bag – 20, Possession 30
​Striped trumpeter
(see map)
​Eastern region:  Bag – 2, Possession – 8, Boat – 8
Western region: Bag – 4, Possession – 8, Boat – 12
​Bastard trumpeter (see map)
Minimum size: 42cm
Eastern region:  Bag – 2, Possession – 10, Boat – 10
Western region: Bag – 5, Possession – 10, Boat – 15​
Blue warehou​Boat limit – 30​
​Jackass morwong
Boat limit – 30​
​Gillnetting (statewide)
  • ​Reducing maximum soak time from 6 to 2 hours.
  • Licence holders must always be within 50 metres of gillnets set in Shark Refuge Areas.
  • Gillnets cannot be used in waters deeper than 20 metres or further than 250 metres from the high-water mark.
​Gillnetting - Macquarie Harbour​No night netting – Maximum soak time of 2 hours, from sunrise to 2 hours after sunset.
​Maugean skate - Macquarie Harbour
Formalise areas closed to netting in 2022 and add new area in Birchs Inlet.  Prohibit taking and possessing of all skates and rays.
​ReportingCapacity to require reporting for selected recreational fishing.

Recreational sand flathead catch limits maps

Sand flathead regional catch limits

Sand flathead regional size and catch limits for recreational fishers

Sand flathead catch limits south east area

Sand flathead regional size and catch limits in the southeast for recreational fishers

New rules for commercial fishers

​Sand flathead
All state waters closed to commercial fishing for sand flathead by any method.
​Other flathead species
Trip limits for rock lobster licence holders for other flathead species 20kg.
​Striped trumpeter
(see map)
​Introduce regional trip limits (Eastern 150 kg, Western 250 kg).
​Bastard trumpeter
(see map)
Minimum size: 42cm
Introduce regional trip limits (Eastern 100 kg, Western 200 kg, 30 kg rock lobster licence holders).​
​Garfish​Introduce daily limit (300 kg).
​Blue warehou​Introduce daily limits for scalefish licences (300 kg) and trip limits for rock lobster licences (80kg).
Jackass morwong​​Introduce daily limits for scalefish licences (300 kg) and trip limits for rock lobster licences (40kg).
​Australian sardinesAuthorise take of more than 10 kg sardines with conditions.​
​VMS​NRE Tas can require vessel monitoring systems for any part of the scalefish fishery.
Gillnetting - Macquarie Harbour​
  • ​Endorsed fishers restricted to a maximum soak time of 2 hours, from 1 hour after sunrise to 1 hour before sunset.
  • Gillnetting prohibited in closed areas in Macquarie Harbour Internal Waters.
  • Endorsed fishers can set gillnets from 1 hour before sunset to 1 hour after sunrise.
  • Closed season for commercial gillnetting from 15 November to 14 April.
Banded morwong​​Changes to transfer conditions and overcatch provisions.
​Maugean skate - Macquarie Harbour
Formalise areas closed to netting in 2022 and add new area in Birchs Inlet.  Prohibit taking and possessing of all skates and rays.
​Reporting​Capacity to require reporting for selected commercial fishing.

Rules modified or withdrawn in response to feedback

Sand flathead recreational catch regions and limits Regional catch limits were changed in response to feedback. A consistent slot limit across mainland Tasmania was adopted to reduce complexity for fishers.
​Commercial fishing for sand flathead
​Modified due to the strength of submissions, the critical importance of stock rebuilding efforts and in recognition of the management applied to the recreational fishery.
​Landing flathead
​Withdrawn due to concern about potential excessive fish waste at landing sites.
​Striped trumpeter size limit increaseConcerns that increasing the size limit would expose a greater proportion of striped trumpeter to seal attack. Suspended until the link between minimum size limits, seal depredation and its impact on stocks is better understood. ​
Bastard trumpeter boat limit​​Boat limit increased to be more equitable for larger fishing parties, due to bastard trumpeter being often targeted by netting.
​Garfish recreational boat limit​Did not proceed due to recreational fishers only taking a very small proportion of total catch for this species.

Changes withdrawn prior to second consultation

Reduce calamari fishing effort​​An extended spawning closure was implemented for the 2023 season to protect North Coast calamari.  Consultation will be undertaken in early 2024 to progress ways to reduce pressures on the fishery.
​Spearfishing ban on some species​Proposed changes likely to have minimal positive impact on stock levels.
Charter fishing proposals​​Not all species taken by charter fishers were covered by Scalefish Rules. Future changes will be progressed through an alternative legislative process.
Amending depleted species rules by Public Notice​​There is capacity to introduce interim measures under Rule 11 of the Scalefish Rules.


    Wild Fisheries Management Branch
    Level 3, 134 Macquarie Street
    GPO Box 44
    Hobart TAS 7001
    Phone: 03 6165 3000, 1300 368 550


    Fishwatch Report illegal fishing

    0427 655 557

    What to report? arrow button

    Contact us

    Recreational Fishing

    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

    Hobart TAS 7000

    Phone: (03) 6165 3233, 1300 720 647


    Commercial Fisheries

    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

    GPO Box 44

    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550


    Commercial Fisheries Licensing

    Level 1, 134 Macquarie St

    GPO Box 44

    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550
