Fishes of Tasmania and
Fishes of Tasmania 2 are poster sets of 4 X full colour A1 posters featuring more than 100 Tasmanian fish species.
Ideal for fishers, schools, libraries, museums, restaurants, seafood retailers, tourists and consumers.
Fish are biologically accurate and identified by scientific and standard fish names.
Printed at A1 size (594 x 841).
- Illustrations by Tasmanian artist Peter Gouldthorpe.
Fishes of Tasmania Set 1 (click on poster for larger image)
Ten Most Wanted Recreational Scale Fishes of Tasmania |
Forty Recreational Sea Fishes of Tasmania |
Sharks, Skates and Rays of Tasmania |
Crustaceans and Molluscs of Tasmania |
Fishes of Tasmania Set 2 (click on poster for larger image)
Flatheads of Tasmania |
Protected Fishes of Tasmania |
Game Fishes of Tasmania |
Dangerous and Unusual Fishes of Tasmania |