Better Fishing Grants

Fish for the Future 

Improving recreational sea fishing facilities in Tasmania.

Want to see an upgrade at your local fishing spot, but don't know where to start?

Email - we'll work with you to help make your idea a reality through a Better Fishing Grant.

Status: OPEN

Applications for Better Fishing Grants - Round 5 are open until 28 March.


​Under the $3 million Investing in Improved Facilities for Recreational Fishers and Local Communities commitment, the Tasmanian Government is providing grants to make recreational sea fishing more accessible to Tasmanians.

Funding available

Applications for grants of up to $300,000 are available for facilities that improve recreational marine fishing opportunities in Tasmania.

Grants for both large projects (up to $300,000) and small projects (up to $30,000) are available.

These may include installing or upgrading:
  • pontoons, jetties or other structures for recreational fishing;
  • fish cleaning tables, bins, tables, shelters and lighting;
  • toilets near fishing facilities;
  • paths, steps, walkways or other access routes to fishing locations; and
  • other facilities directly associated with recreational shore-based fishing.
Other projects which are also eligible for grants include:
  • stock enhancement (excluding existing/committed programs such as rock lobster translocation in the East Coast Stock Rebuilding Zone or those managed by other organisations such as TARFish). Examples include:
    • Bass Strait rock lobster translocation for recreational fishing
    • Scallop reseeding of the D’Entrecasteaux Channel and other popular recreational areas;
  • physical assets that comprise, enhance or compliment recreational sea fishing not aligned with the current criteria, such as safety equipment, and equipment to support training or engagement clinics, or community events;
  • monitoring infrastructure such as weather stations or other monitoring devices for FADs or artificial reefs;
  • programs to increase recreational fishing participation, including assets for these programs (e.g. Junior programs run by fishing clubs); and
  • assets to support the maintenance of FADs or Artificial Reefs.


Small grants (up to $30,000): Incorporated not-for-profit organisations (including community groups and fishing clubs) municipal councils and other land managers are eligible to apply.

Large grants (up to $300,000): applications are open to public land managers where facilities are proposed to be located and to incorporated not-for-profit organisations (including community groups that can show capacity to manage a project of this size).

Guidelines and application forms

Information for applicants:

 Better Fishing Grants - Advice to applicants Round 5

Small grants:

 Better Fishing Grants - Small Grants Application Form

Large grants:

 Better Fishing Grants - Large Grants Application Form

Grant Recipients

​Grant Round ​Project Title

​Dorset Council
​4​Two fish cleaning station shelters.
​Sandy Bay Rowing Club
​4​Amenities to improve access to fishing facilities.
​West Coast Council
​3Two fish cleaning station shelters at Macquarie Heads Boat Ramp (Strahan).
​Tasmanian Association for Recreational Fishing
​3​Weather Station Network Buoys - to allow fishers to find information on real time local sea conditions.
​$66 000
​St Helens Marine Rescue
​3​Real time web cameras - to allow St Helens Marine Rescue radio operators and fishers real time visual coverage of the waters to the north, east and south of St Helens Point.
​$15 000
​Musselroe Bay Community Inc.
​3​Fishing pontoon
​$133 450
​​Clarence City Council
​2Upgrading water and power supply to Bellerive Pier
​Huon Valley Council
​2​New Fishing Pontoon Shipwrights Point
​George Town Council​1​Installing a fish cleaning table and tackle bin at York Cove​​$10,000
​​Reclink​1Fi​s​hing tackle for the Reclink Fishing Program​​$3,485
​Naracoopa Progress Assn.​1​​Light and fish cleaning facilities at Naracoopa Jetty    ​​$3,800
​​Swansea Primary School​1​​Equipment for the Sustainable Fishing Program    ​$4,586
​​Tuna Club of Tasmania1​​A single channel base to improve communications for fishers​​$9,000


    Better Fishing Grants
    Recreational Fisheries Section
    Level 3, 134 Macquarie Street
    Hobart TAS 7000
    Phone: 03 6777 2082


    Fishwatch Report illegal fishing

    0427 655 557

    What to report? arrow button

    Contact us

    Recreational Fishing

    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

    Hobart TAS 7000

    Phone: (03) 6165 3233, 1300 720 647


    Commercial Fisheries

    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

    GPO Box 44

    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550


    Commercial Fisheries Licensing

    Level 1, 134 Macquarie St

    GPO Box 44

    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550
