Status: CLOSED
Applicants have been notified of outcomes.
Round 2
In October 2022, seafood processing businesses across the State were awarded $475,000 under Round 2 of the Seafood Processor Grants Program. Seven successful businesses were offered between $34,000 and $80,000 each to encompass value-adding and diversification. This funding has supported businesses to realign their operations to meet future processing needs.
Funding Recipients
Round 1
In October 2021, seafood processing businesses across the State were awarded $743,000 under Round 1 the Seafood Processor Grants Program. Ten successful businesses were granted between $44,500 and $80,000 each to encompass value-adding and diversification. This funding has supported businesses to realign their operations to meet future processing needs.
With the support of these grants, Tasmanian seafood processors have been able to diversify their processing operations to future-proof their businesses and expand market access to underpin a strong and resilient wild-caught seafood sector.
The projects supported in this first round include:
- high-grade freezing for product quality and diversification
- business diversification to local sales and marketing
- innovative high-grade abalone processing facilities
- holding, processing, and packaging of rock lobster
Funding Recipients
Further information
The Tasmanian Government committed $1 million each year for two years (2020 and 2021) for a Wild Fisheries Action Plan to support the seafood sector. Seafood processors have been particularly hard hit by COVID-19, ongoing access restrictions to key export markets, and limitations in the chain of supply.
Under the Action Plan, the Seafood Processor Grants program was developed to support Tasmanian seafood processors to innovate and invest in new infrastructure, to supply products to emerging and established markets.
With the support of these grants, the successfiul Tasmanian seafood processors were able to realign business operations to meet future processing needs associated with the impacts of COVID-19 and associated market disruptions. Innovation by Tasmanian seafood processors is key to securing stable market access, which will underpin a strong and resilient wild-caught seafood sector.