Marine Reserves

​​​In Tasmania there are seven Marine Nature Reserves including Maria Island, Tinderbox, Ninepin Point, Governor Island, Port Davey and Bathurst Harbour, the Kent Group and sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island.

All reserves are protected areas so generally fishing by any method is prohibited.  Some marine reserves such as the Kent Group and Port Davey/Bathurst Harbour have areas where restricted recreational and commercial fishing is allowed. Other activities which don't impact the reserves are generally allowed including swimming, boating, kayaking, snorkelling and SCUBA diving.

There are also Fisheries Research Areas where restrictions on some types of fishing depending on the research being conducted.

Kent Group Marine Nature Reserve

No fishing or setting of fishing gear in the no fishing zone. The only fishing currently allowed in the restricted zone is line fishing with up to 5 hooks and taking rock lobster using pots and rings and by diving (the taking of abalone is prohibited for biosecurity reasons). Further information is available from the Parks and Wildlife website.

Kent Group Marine Nature Reserve Map

Governor Island Marine Nature Reserve

The reserve extends 400 m eastward from the shoreline of Governor Island. This 50 hectare reserve includes the island itself and Alligator Rock. No fishing or setting of fishing gear is allowed. There are white paired poles marking the western boundary.

Divers should note that swimming in the area known as the Gulch is very dangerous because of the heavy use of this area by boats. ​​Further information is available from the Parks and Wildlife website.

Map of Governor Island Marine Nature Reserve

Maria Island Marine Nature Reserve

The reserve includes all waters up to one kilometre offshore from the north-eastern point of Fossil Bay to Return Point and covers 1,500 hectares.

No fishing or setting of fishing gear is allowed in the reserve between Cape Boullanger in the north and Return Point in the south. Recreational fishing of all types is permitted east of Cape Boullanger. Further information is available from the Parks and Wildlife website.

Map of Maria Island Marine Nature Reserve

Tinderbox Marine Nature Reserve

This reserve is within the area of water bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the high-water mark and the line of latitude 43° 01" 39.6"S to the point 147° 20' 19.5" E / 43° 01" 39.6"S to the point 147° 20' 34.02"E / 43° 02' 27.96"S to the point 147°20' 52.02"E / 43° 02' 54.06"S to the point 147° 20' 52.02"E / 43° 03' 07.01"S to the point 147° 20' 8.04"E/ 43° 03' 38.04"S to the point 147° 19' 40.98"E / 43°03' 38.04"S to the point 147° 19' 18.72"E / 43° 03'47.04"S then due north to the high-water mark. No fishing or setting of fishing gear allowed. Fish caught outside the reserve can be landed at the boat ramp. The northern boundary is approximately 800 metres south of Fossil Cove. The northern boundary and western boundaries are marked by white paired poles. Further information is available from the Parks and Wildlife website.

Map of Tinderbox Marine Nature Reserve

Ninepin Point Marine Nature Reserve

This reserve is within the area of water bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the high-water mark and the line of longitude 147° 13' 36.36"S to the point 147° 13'36.36"E / 43° 17' 28.98"S to the point 147° 09' 40.02"E / 43° 17' 28.98"S then due north to the high-water mark. No fishing or setting of fishing gear allowed. The eastern and western boundaires are marked by white paired poles. Further information is available from the Parks and Wildlife website.

Map of Ninepin Point Marine Nature Reserve

Port Davey/Bathurst Harbour Marine Nature Reserve

No fishing or setting of fishing gear is allowed in the no fishing zone. The only fishing allowed in the restricted zone is diving for abalone and rock lobster, using a rock lobster pot or ring and line fishing with up to 5 hooks. Further information is available from the Parks and Wildlife website.

Map of Port Davey/Bathurst Harbour Marine Nature Reserve

Macquarie Island Marine Nature Reserve

Includes all waters from the high-water-mark seaward to three nautical miles. No fishing or setting of fishing gear is allowed.For more information on Macquarie Island see the Parks and Wildlife website.

Australian Marine Parks

Flinders, Freycinet and Tasman Fracture are Marine Parks off Tasmania managed by Parks Australia. No fish or setting of gear is allowed in some zones.

Map of Maria Island Marine Nature Reserve 

Flinders Marine Park (Marine National Park Zone)

No fishing or setting of fishing gear is allowed. See a map and more information.

Freycinet Marine Park (Marine National Park Zone)

No fishing or setting of fishing gear is allowed. See a map and more information.

Tasman Marine Park (Marine National Park Zone)

No fishing or setting of fishing gear is allowed. See a map and more information.


    Recreational Fishing Enquiries
    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St
    Hobart TAS 7000
    Phone: 03 6165 3233, 1300 720 647


    Fishwatch Report illegal fishing

    0427 655 557

    What to report? arrow button

    Contact us

    Recreational Fishing

    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

    Hobart TAS 7000

    Phone: (03) 6165 3233, 1300 720 647


    Commercial Fisheries

    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

    GPO Box 44

    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550


    Commercial Fisheries Licensing

    Level 1, 134 Macquarie St

    GPO Box 44

    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550
