East Coast-St Helens Area

Restrictions on netting and the use of set lines apply in some areas around Tasmania, mainly in rivers and estuaries to protect vulnerable species or sensitive habitats. Check for any restrictions in your area before you go fishing.

Boobyalla Inlet

Upstream of a line from Campbells Point east to the opposite shore to a point at grid reference 574658/5474108.

Map icon - no specialist lines, mullet, graball or other nets and bait traps

Net and Line Area Restrictions

Little Musselroe River

Upstream from the mouth.
Map icon - no specialist lines, mullet, graball or other nets and bait traps

Musselroe Bay - West

Upstream of a line from a point on Ryans Arm at longitude 148.1541 E to the opposite shore.

Map icon - no specialist lines, mullet, graball or other nets and bait traps

Musselroe Bay - East

Waters upstream of a line from the red navigation mark at 40.8284 S / 148.1738 E to the point 40.8301 S / 148.1748 E to a line from Ryans Arm at longitude 148.1541 E due north to the opposite shore

Map icon - no specialist lines, mullet or graball nets

Ansons Bay

All waters of Ansons Bay to the mouth of the Ansons River.
Map icon - no mullet, graball or other nets and no bait traps

Net and Line Area Restrictions

Grants Lagoon

Upstream from the mouth.

Map icon - no specialist lines, mullet, graball or other nets and bait traps

Georges Bay

George's Bay is a Shark Refuge Area and the taking of shark, skates and rays is prohibited. The use of set lines and mullet nets is also prohibited.

Georges Bay and Burns Bay

West of a line between Grants Point and St Helens Point. 
Map icon - no specialist lines, mullet, graball or other nets

Reserves and Research Areas

Swan Island Research Area: No taking of any fish by diving within the research area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the high water mark and the line of latitude 40° 43' 49.22"S to the point 148° 8' 0.22"E/40° 43' 49.22"S then generally in a southwesterly direction 500 metres from the high water mark of Swan Island to the point 148° 7' 1.9"E/40° 44' 5.4"S then generally north west to the high water mark. See a map of this Research Area.

Bay of Fires Research Area: the research area extends south from Eddystone Point to the southern end of Taylors Beach. The research area is closed to the take and possession of abalone by recreational and commercial fishers. See a map of this Research Area.

Elephant Rock Research Area: The research area is off Grants Point including Elephant Rock within the area of water bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the highwater mark and where the line of latitude 41° 15' 9.0" S crosses the east coast of the mainland of Tasmania then to the point latitude 41° 14' 47.6"S, longitude 148° 20' 16.0" E; then to the point latitude 41° 14' 48.1" S, longitude 148° 20' 38.5" E; then to the point latitude 41° 15' 26.51" S,longitude 148° 20' 41.4" E; then due west along the line of latitude 41° 15' 26.51" S to the highwater mark then following the high-water mark to the beginning of the imaginary line. See a map and learn about fishing restrictions in this Research Area.

Learn more about Marine Reserves and Fisheries Research Areas.

Shark Refuge Areas

Georges Bay: The taking of shark, skates and rays is prohibited as is the use of set, long and droplines and mullet nets west of a line from Grants Point to St Helens Point. Click here to view a map of this area.

Find out more about shark refuge areas.

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    Recreational Fishing

    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

    Hobart TAS 7000

    Phone: (03) 6165 3233, 1300 720 647

    Email: fishing.enquiries@nre.tas.gov.au

    Commercial Fisheries

    Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

    GPO Box 44

    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550

    Email: commercial.fisheries@nre.tas.gov.au

    Commercial Fisheries Licensing

    Level 1, 134 Macquarie St

    GPO Box 44

    Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550

    Email: fisheries.licensing@nre.tas.gov.au