size limit maps showing
the areas corresponding to the different size limits for greenlip
abalone and the abalone biosecurity area in Northern Bass Strait. You
are allowed to take abalone within 50 metres of the shore of any island
in the biosecurity area but the abalone cannot be taken or possessed
elsewhere in the area. For more details, see Abalone Fishing page.
Greenlip abalone
tend to congregate on the edge of reefs and boulders near sand or
seagrass beds. Found mainly in the north of Tasmania where they live in
areas of high turbulence around the north coast and Bass Strait islands.
Fishing information
abalone are taken recreationally by diving. They feed by trapping
drifting seaweeds with the front part of the foot or by grazing on algae
and seagrasses. Growth rates vary with location and time of year.
Try to size
abalone before you remove it. Do not leave abalone upside down or on a
sandy bottom. Abalone that have been cut will bleed to death so take
care in handling.
Public Health advice
Follow any public health alerts relating to eating wild shellfish - refer to the
Department of Health and Human Services or phone their hotline on 1800 671 738.
Greenlip is
considered the best tasting of Tasmanian abalone and has a slightly
stronger flavour than blacklip. Abalone meat has low oil content and a
distinctive subtle flavour. It has a dense white flesh which may need
tenderising. Use whole or sliced.