Found mainly in deep waters around Tasmania and the Great Australian Bight from 20-350 metres but generally at 250 metres.
Fishing information
Not commonly caught by recreational fishers in Tasmania because of the depth it is found in and its dietary preference for live, whole feed. Believed to take small lures and live bait.
Silver dory have sharp ventral and dorsal spines
The flesh is good quality, cream in colour and firm. Fillet size is small in comparison to fish size. Low oil content and moist flesh with few bones. Suitable to bake, shallow fry, grill, poach and steam.
Recipe: Grilled Dory:
2 whole dory; 4 tbsp butter; lemon juice; salt and pepper; chopped parsley.
Brush fish with butter, season with salt and pepper. Place fish on foil lined grill pan and cook under preheated grill for approximately 5 minutes on each side, basting frequently with butter and lemon juice. Serve immediately, sprinkled with parsley.