Size and bag limit zones
Sand flathead recreational regions and catch limits start from 1 November 2024
On-water possession limits and moving between zones
You can move between sand flathead zones, including with fish in your possession that were caught in a different zone. However, you must ensure:
- all sand flathead meet the size limit of the region you are entering; and,
- you do not possess more fish than the on-water possession limit of any zone you are in, unless you are following the rules for transiting between the Eastern Zone and the D'Entrecasteaux Channel, Frederick Henry and Norfolk Bays (see below).
An 'on-water possession limit' is the amount of fish you as an individual fisher can have in your possession while on the water. For sand flathead, the on-water possession limit is equal to the daily bag limit for the zone you are in.
Transiting between the Eastern Zone and D'Entrecasteaux Channel, Derwent River and Frederick Henry and Norfolk Bays
You can transit the D’Entrecasteaux Channel, Derwent River and Frederick Henry and Norfolk Bays in possession of more than two sand flathead per fisher to a maximum of five sand flathead per fisher, so long as you travel directly through the D’Entrecasteaux Channel, Derwent River or Frederick Henry and Norfolk Bays to a boat ramp or landing point without stopping (unless required to for safety reasons).
While transiting is permitted, fishers are reminded that:
- You cannot take or possess more than five sand flathead between Cape Naturaliste and Whale Head in any one day.
- No more than two of these five fish can be taken in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel, Derwent River or Frederick Henry and Norfolk Bay area.
Example: If you launched in the Derwent River, fished in Storm Bay and caught four sand flathead per fisher, you can bring these fish back through into the Derwent River so long as you travel directly to your point of landing without stopping.
This means you cannot stop to fish once in the D'Entrecasteaux Channel, Derwent River and Frederick Henry and Norfolk Bays Zone as at least one fisher is in possession of more than two sand flathead (exceeding the on-water possession limit of the zone).
Sand flathead are a bottom dwelling fish usually found in inshore waters all around Tasmania. They prefer shallow waters of around 0-25 metres depth and a weed free, sandy bottom.
Fishing information
Sand flathead are the most commonly caught recreational species in Tasmania, accounting for two-thirds of all fish caught. They are present around the state and are relatively easy to catch. They can be caught on a variety of baits and lures providing they are fished close to a sandy bottom as they don’t usually rise more than one metre from the bottom to take a bait. Flathead are often caught from a boat that is drifting slowly so the fish see the bait as it passes by. May also be encountered at night when spearing for flounder.
Beware of short, sharp spines on the flathead’s gill covers and dorsal fin.
Public Health advice
The Director of Public Health advises people to limits meals of Derwent caught scalefish including flathead due to heavy metal contamination - refer to the
Department of Health and Human Services or phone their hotline on 1800 671 738.
Low oil content with a pleasant, sweet flavour. Fine textured flesh which can dry out slightly with some cooking methods but remains moist and flaky when cooked in batter. The long shape of flathead means that it fillets well as most of the bones are at the head section of the fish. Also retains moisture well when cooked as whole fish. Suitable to bake in foil, shallow or deep fry, marinate, poach or steam. Popular as fish and chips.
Recipe - Easy Cook Flatties:
2 flathead fillets; 2 tbsp rice or plain flour; salt and pepper; 2 tbsp olive oil.
Place flour and salt and pepper in a plastic bag. Place fish fillets into bag and shake bag. Remove fillets dust off excess flour. Heat oil in a large frypan to medium heat. Place fish into pan, cook for 3 minutes then turn over and cook for a further 2 minutes.
Recipe - Beer Battered Flathead:
500 grams flathead fillets; ½ cup flour; salt; 1 tbsp oil; ½ cup beer and 1 egg white; stiffly beaten.
Mix flour and salt, gradually add liquid and stir until smooth. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Gently fold in egg white. Dip flathead fillets lightly in flour before dipping in the batter. Heat oil to 180°C for deep frying or shallow fry in a wide pan.
Black spots in flathead fillets
A flathead showing signs of black spots in the flesh
Have you noticed black flesh or spots in your sand flathead fillets? This is a phenomenon known as melanisation which is the subject of research at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies. Read about their
Black Fillets Project research and report your catch using the
online form.
Flathead Fact Sheets
How to Increase the Survival of Released Flathead
How to Release Flathead using a Fish De-hooker