
© Tasmanian Government. Image Peter Gouldthorpe
Season: Open all year

bag limit5


possession limit10


boat limit-

Poisonous, do not eat. Refer to Handling below.

Guide to symbols

bagBag Limit
housePossession Limit
boatBoat Limit

Minimum size


Most scalefish are measured from the nose to the end of the tail. Get your scalefish measuring ruler or sticker at any Service Tasmania outlet.

Other names

porcupine fish, puffer fish

Scientific name

Diodon nicthemerus

Grows to

Up to


Identifying features

​Globefish have an oval shaped body covered in spines that usually lie flat except near the tail. They are a greenish blue colour on the back and white underneath with yellow to green fins. They will inflate themselves with air or water on capture causing the spines to stand out from the body as a defensive weapon against predators.


Globefish are normally solitary in Tasmania, preferring shallow seagrass beds and sandy bottom down to 50 metres. They will occasionally venture out over reefs in search of food.

Fishing information

These fish are poisonous. They are not targeted by recreational fishers, rather usually an unwanted bycatch that take baits and lures destined for other species. If small hooks are used, it is likely any catching of a globefish will result in gut hooking. Being larger than other toad fish, they will tend to give an indication of a slow bite on rod and line though often after they have consumed your bait and hook.


There should be no reason to retain this fish at all because it is poisonous to eat and covered with sharp pointed spines. If their spines are inflated, handle very carefully or preferably not at all.


Poisonous. Do not eat.


Fishwatch Report illegal fishing

0427 655 557

What to report? arrow button

Contact us

Recreational Fishing

Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

Hobart TAS 7000

Phone: (03) 6165 3233, 1300 720 647


Commercial Fisheries

Level 3, 134 Macquarie St

GPO Box 44

Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550


Commercial Fisheries Licensing

Level 1, 134 Macquarie St

GPO Box 44

Phone: (03) 6165 3000, 1300 368 550
